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Precautions for the use of Split Metered Ready Board

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-17      Origin: Site

When it comes to using electricity, everyone will find it much more convenient, but there are also worrying places. Those electrical fires are even more shocking. In fact, Split Metered Ready Board factory wants to tell you that as long as we standardize the operation and strictly follow the requirements, we generally won't. Below, the Split Metered Ready Board factory will tell you the precautions that must be paid attention to when using the Split Metered Ready Board for your reference!

Precautions for the use of Split Metered Ready Board:

1. Please carefully check whether all parts of the Split Metered Ready Board are in good condition during installation.

2. The Split Metered Ready Board shall be installed vertically. The inclination angle shall not exceed 54 °.

3. The installation position should be selected where there is no violent vibration, impact and insufficient corrosion of electrical components.

4. The materials used in the Split Metered Ready Board are not resistant to strong bases, oxidizing acids, amines and ketones. Soluble in chlorinated and aromatic solvents. Therefore, contact with or use with these chemicals should be avoided.

5. Avoid sharp objects and hard objects from colliding and scratching the surface of the Split Metered Ready Board during use


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